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· Children

Fostering God's plan for love, marriage, and procreation. Teaching the world about the blessings of children, the value of chastity, and the harms of contraception.

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This book not only provides answers to many questions troubling Catholics, it also supplies fundamental principles of Catholic thought to help readers arrive at morally sound decisions in those areas that have yet to be settled.

Esta exhortación apostólica proporciona el mapa para el matrimonio y la vida familiar cristianos en sus dimensiones moral, espiritual y evangélica. Da las estrategias detalladas para que las familias  logren su gran destino como la fuente de la civilización verdadera, la Civilización del Amor.

Study guide for the Into the Heart series on the Theology of the Body.
Life Issues, Medical Choices
La familia cristiana en el mundo moderno (Familiaris Consortio)
Into the Heart Student Workbook
Price: $14.95

Price: $4.95

Price: $19.95

Leader's guide for the Into the Heart series on the Theology of the Body.

The author draws on his fatherly experience and his gift for humorous exaggeration to help us see the good side of caring for children.

If You Really Loved Me
Into the Heart Leader's Guide
In the Beginning . . .There Were No Diapers
If You Really Loved Me
Price: $24.95

Price: $12.95

Price: $13.95

This book will tug at your heart strings and lift the fog that surrounds imperfection according to today’s standards. We all are imperfect and no one has the right to label, neglect, or dictate who is “compatible or incompatible with life”. This book is inspirational and is an eloquent picture of the love a family shares in response to life.

Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later contains Janet E. Smith's analysis of the arguments for and against Catholic Sexual teaching drawing strongly on Humanae Vitae.

La profética  encíclica de 1968 que llamó a la Iglesia para vivir la visión completa de Dios para la vida familiar.
I Am Not a Syndrome – My Name is Simon
Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later
Humanae Vitae
Price: $12.97

Price: $29.95

Price: $2.95

 The material is presented in 14 short chapters on topics such as meeting men the old-fashioned way, things to consider before committing, and fighting for respect and chastity.

One's faith and family have traditionally defined one's identity, but as our culture changes, both family size and the number of practicing christians are shrinking in the western world.

Wonderful tools to help a couple achieve what the author calls "infallible loving," and the tremendous benefits of married love as it was meant to be.
How to Get to "I Do"
How the West Really Lost God: A New Theory of Secularization
Holy Sex! A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving
Price: $14.99

Price: $16.95

Price: $19.95

Hockey-playing Catholic Bishop Thomas John Paprocki has a message for teens and young adults: athletics and fitness training are a daily way to connect with God and faith.  A great book for athletes, teenagers. pastoral and youth ministry..

The special relationship that his brothers formed with Simon during his short time here on earth. The objective of this book is to communicate the beliefs of Simon's family. The Crosiers believe that each life created, beginning with conception, is sanctified by God and is precious in His sight.

Christopher West takes dozens of questions on human sexuality and brings them to the truth of Catholic Sexual Teaching.
Holy Goals, for Body and Soul: 8 Steps to Connect Sports with God & Faith
Hello My Name Is Simon
Good News about Sex & Marriage
Price: $13.95

Price: $5.00

Price: $13.99

John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, presented  in a simple, comprehensive way for young people. This book would be very helpful for educators and youth ministers who teach the Theology of the Body. Each chapter has questions for reflection and Catechism references for further reading.


Navigating through the "desert" of infertility is an especially painful experience. It can lead to a sense of failure and a feeling of hopelessness. This spiritual companion and resource offers the direction, nourishment, and faith to find the way out of the "desert." Infertile Catholic couples, family members, friends, family life offices, and support groups will find this book to be both informative and comforting.
God's Plan for You
Freedom: 12 Lives Transformed by the Theology of the Body
Facing Infertility A Catholic Approach
Price: $16.95

Price: $13.99

Price: $12.95

Pages:    1   2   3   4   5   6     Range: