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Books that promote healthy Christian sexuality.

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Reflections on the spirituality and practice of breastfeeding.

unanimous Christian rejection of contraception broke down in 1930, leading to the disastrous sexual revolution

Birthing and raising 14 children (not including 5 already with the Lord) sounds almost easy when Jim and Kathleen share “anecdotes and a philosophy of life from a family of sixteen” in this wonderful book. They spell out for us the great rewards and the challenges of large family living, and they urge “the reader to reevaluate the possibility of having another child [and to be] open to God’s will, with a supernatural, faith-filled perspective. . . .There is a great feeling of freedom and peace that one experiences when one steps out in love and trust in our infinitely loving God.” You’ll want to read this book all in one sitting.
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood
Birth Control and Christian Discipleship
Better by the Dozen, Plus Two
Price: $10.95

Price: $4.50

Price: $24.95

Provee lo que los padres necesitan saber para criar a sus hijos saludables

Hope and inspiration for those who are struggling in their marriages

A lively and involving presentation supporting teen chastity, with many personal stories.
Amor y Familia: Formacion de nuestros hijos en adultos responsables
Amazing Grace for Married Couples
A Case For Chastity
Price: $23.95

Price: $13.99

Price: $13.95

 Frente a la problemática actual de un ambiente agresivo que tiende a acabar con las diferencias, la autora recuerda porque qué las normas y los límites son fundamentales,  porque es más provechoso para un chico jugar al aire libre que dedicarle horas
100% Chicos 7 claves para que crezcan sanos y felices
Price: $22.95

Pages:    1   2   3   4     Range: