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Building the Civilization of Love

Culture of Love family.png · Books
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The Civilization of Love means a society of people committed to achieving what is good for each other. This section contains key resources for laying its foundation.

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Traces the Bible's opposition to contraception from Genesis to Revelation with wonderful clarity.

A How-To guide for reading the original audiences of John Paul II's Theology of the Body.

A work of love for the Church: a must read for every Catholic with desire to return our nation to a righteous path and our society to a culture of life.
The Bible vs Contraception
The Body Reveals God
The Broken Path
Price: $0.50

Price: $15.00

Price: $14.95

Married persons live longer, have less physical and mental health problems, have higher incomes, and accumulate more wealth than their unmarried counterparts. They experience many other benefits.

A physician urges pro-lifers to work against contraception.

The contraceptive movement's overwhelming success in our day, and workable strategies for turning this around
The Case for Marriage
The Challenge of Contraception for those who respect life
The Cure
Price: $15.95

Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

A version of Donum Vitae (the Vatican statement on the rights and dignity of newly conceived humans). The authors discuss numerous reproductive issues: in vitro fertilization, cloning, use of embryonic stem cells, embryo adoption, and much more.

The Hurtful Consequences of Artificial Contraception and Sterilization contains true stories of couples who chose sterilization and later had sterilization reversals.

The Infertility Companion for Catholics is the first book to address not only the medical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of infertility, but also the particular needs of Catholic couples who desire to understand and follow Church teaching on the use of assisted reproductive technology.
The Dignity of a Person (Dignitatis Personae)
The Hurtful Consequences of Artificial Contraception and Sterilization
The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples
Price: $5.95

Price: $0.35

Price: $16.95

Bishop Conley encourages married couples to make God the center of their marriage, so that their love can imitate God's love for each of us–free, creative and generous. He explains how openness to children in marriage is the natural consequence of this type of love and that contraception diminishes that share in God's creative love. The bishop also exhorts Catholic healthcare professionals to learn about the dangers of contraception and sterilization, so that they can assist their clients in making healthier choices to deal with reproductive and fertility issues. Read it here

Christopher West illuminates love’s two dimensions—eros (human) and agape (divine), using key passages from Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, God Is Love. He helps us appreciate the interplay, distinctiveness, and relationship of these dimensions of love. West succeeds as probably no other author could in marrying John Paul II’s Theology of the Body with Benedict’s God Is Love. This is one of those rare books that makes you wish the end would not come so soon.

The Myth of Overpopulation
The Language of Love
The Love That Satisfies
The Myth of Overpopulation (mp3)
Price: $2.50

Price: $19.95

Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

The spiritual struggle of removing contraceptives and sterilization from medical practice. Also the damage (physical, emotional, and relational) from contraception, and the corresponding benefits from Natural Family Planning.

12 beautiful and powerful 30 minute sessions originally aired on EWTN by Jason and Crystalina Evert covering almost every aspect of living the pure life you can imagine!.

Bishop Cordelione contrasts secular and sacred teachings on love, sexuality and chastity, clearly showing how one trumps the other.
The Pill vs. NFP
The Pure Life
The Spirituality of Responsible Parenthood
Price: $0.35

Price: $39.95

Price: $2.00

The insights of Pope John Paul II applied to the issues of marriage, family, contraception, human life, and homosexuality.

"Tunnel of Parenthood: The First Five Years." Now that we have emerged from the Tunnel, I have grown more and more convinced that those were indeed the hardest years.

of the Body for Teens: Discovering God's Plan For Love & Life is the program you've been waiting for Every day your students are thinking about their sexuality as they are searching for meaning in their lives. Young people today need a program that helps them understand the significance of their sexuality and the purpose of their lives.
The Splendor of Love
The Tunnel of Parenthood Encouragement for the First Five Years of Parenting
Theology of the Body for Teens High School Edition Bundle
Price: $16.95

Price: $0.35

Price: $134.95

Pages:    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10     Range: