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Talks and music on CDs. Great discounts on all One More Soul's CDs while supplies last.

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From the alienation and pain of a contracepted (and later sterilized) marriage, to rediscovery of their faith in God and their love for each other, Mark and Patti take you on their journey and share the wisdom they gained on the way.

En términos prácticos, el uso generalizado de los anticonceptivos ha llevado directamente a un aumento masivo del divorcio y el aborto. La unión intima y el anhelo de fertilidad se escriben físicamente en la estructura de las relaciones sexuales, y al eliminar uno de estos aspectos se afecta la relación matrimonial.

La Pareja Perfecta Esta pareja tenia salud, un salario de seis cifras, una hermosa casa, dos hijos maravillosos, y una vasectomia. En pocas palabras se sentian miserables.  En esta radio novelo usted descubrira como esta pareja con la gracia de Dios encuentra la sanidad, la plenitudy y la verdadera felicidad.
Milagros es la historia de una pareja que busca ayuda para lograr su anhelo de ser padres.  Despues de un camino de dolor e incertidumbre al no encontrar una solucion afectiva y moralmente aceptable, su fe y esperanza los llevan a recibir mas de un milagro.
Confessions of a Catholic Couple
Porque importa la Anticoncepcion
La Pareja Perfecta & Milagros
Price: $2.00

Price: $2.00

Price: $2.00

 Mi Nuevo Doctor es una historia de una famila que de una u otra forma experimenta los efectos adversos de la pildora anticonceptive. Afortunadamente la tia conoce un nuevo doctor que le aclara muchas dudas y le ensena un metodo natural no solo para planificar la familia sino tambien para cuidar la salud reproductiva.
   Encontrando Un Tesoro es la historia de  una pareja joven de inmigrantes que por desconocimiento de las ensenanzas de la iglesia usan mulitples metodos de anticoncepcion artificial. Despues de mucho sufrimiento, siguen el con sejo de su parroco y verdaderamente encuentran un tesoro.


<font size="3">Ordinary Time tells the stories of ordinary people making their way in our fast and fabulous world. Twelve thought provoking songs encourage us to laugh at our attempts to have it all and remind us of the everyday drama and nobility of ordinary lives lived faithfully.<br /><br />
Mi nuevo doctor& Encontrando un Tesoro
Reaching the Cafeteria Catholic - set
Ordinary Time
Price: $2.00

Price: $2.50

Price: $5.00

Are you burnt out on the busyness and self-importance of modern life? Then you need Lighten Up! With a playful hint of bluegrass, these story songs and radically honest reflections urge us to forgive and to see the humor, the beauty and the sacred in those who fill our everyday lives..

Often lighthearted, always thought provoking lyrics describe the details of our modern lives and enkindle hope in new beginnings. Outstanding Nashville musicians cradle Marie's voice in a light mixture of bluegrass, jazz and folk as she reminds us of our capacity to love. A New Springtime is dedicated to John Paul II and the new springtime he foretold.

Is human life valuable? You know the answer, but can you explain why?
Lighten Up
A New Springtime
Why Human Life Is So Highly Valued
Price: $5.00

Price: $5.00

Price: $5.95

Describes the concept of NaproTechnology as a natural technique for solving the problem of infertility while remaining faithful to Catholic social teaching.

The benefits of chastity within marriage

Renowned speaker and author Jason Evert says the time has come for a sexual revolution that embraces the beauty and wonder of sex in its untainted, God-given fullness.
NaProTechnology as an Authentic Treatment for Infertility
Why NFP? cd
Life-Giving Love
Price: $8.00

Price: $8.95

Price: $9.00

Christopher West digs deep into Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body and into the connection between marriage and the Eucharist.

 The Theology of the Body is a Biblical message that is intended for all Christians. This teaching, originally presented by John Paul II, draws on over 1000 scripture versus concerning God’s original plan for marriage & sexuality, and how an understanding of this plan gives meaning to our lives. In this talk given at an Evangelical church, Theology of the Body expert Christopher West delivers this life-changing message to an enthusiastic Protestant audience. Catholics and Protestants alike will benefit from this teaching as we strive to live out God’s plan for our lives

Testimonies from a group of clergy who have preached on contraception and Natural Family Planning, with a number of added resources: sample homilies, Scripture texts from various Sundays that readily lead to these topics, and more.
And the Two Become One
Theology of the Body: A Bold, biblical response to the Sexual Revolution (CD
A Preachable Message
Price: $9.95

Price: $9.95

Price: $10.00

Due to the dominance of contraception,  reproductive medicine has fallen years behind available research in providing the most effective health care with the least harm to patients. On December 8, 2001 some of the best thinkers on this topic gathered at Ann Arbor, MI. The talks from this seminar are presented here. Reproductions of the slides, graphs, and other visuals from the talks are included.

Teaching of the Church in light of our culture regarding sexual behavior.

The basic human questions: Why are we here, what does our life mean, how can I get the best out of life.
Rethinking Reproductive Medicine
Humanae Vitae On the Regulation of Birth Pope Paul Vl
God, Sex and the Meaning of Life
Price: $10.95

Price: $12.00

Price: $14.95

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