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Videos about and promoting Natural Family Planning.

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An illustrated how-to manual of the Ovulation Method of fertility awareness, complete with charts and other helpful materials. The female fertility cycle is compared to the plant growth cycle, and simple, direct instructions are given for achieving or postponing pregnancy.

An introduction to Natural Family Planning, including medical background, spiritual context, and experiences of NFP users.

12 beautiful and powerful 30 minute sessions originally aired on EWTN by Jason and Crystalina Evert covering almost every aspect of living the pure life you can imagine!.
Love and Fertility - book & chart
Introduction to Natural Family Planning (DVD)
The Pure Life
Price: $20.00

Price: $14.95

Price: $39.95

Introducción de 30 minutos (versión corta) a la Planificación Natural de la Familia: el soporte médico, el contexto espiritual, y las experiencias de usuarios de la PNF

How to take the Theology of the Body  into our hearts and to let this interior transformation reshape our lives.

Complete new look at Natural Family Planning.  Using artificial contraceptives can damage a relationship and a womems's physical health.
Introducción a la Planificación Natural de la Familia
Into the Heart: A Journey Through the Theology of the Body (8 DVDs)
Life Giving Love - Understanding Chastity In Marriage
Price: $8.95

Price: $159.95
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Price: $19.95

The National Gianna Center for Women's Health &  Fertility with offices in New Brunswick (Dr Kyle Beiter) and Manhattan (Dr Anne Nolte), is dedicated to providing a more natural alternative to assisted reproductive technologies. The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System is used to monitor a woman’s menstrual and fertility cycle. Based on research that began from collaboration between women and their physicians, the system has grown into a national and international allied healthcare model to provide comprehensive gynecologic primary care and to unmask the true cause of infertility for women.
Alternatives to IVF Treatments
Price: $5.00