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Other resources for understanding Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.

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Chris West gives an overview of John Paul II's Theology of the Body, a groundbreaking synthesis of Scripture with modern understanding of the human person and human sexuality.

<p>Study guide for Patty Schneier's <a href=";product_id=681">explanation</a> of love that is free, faithful, total and fruitful.</p>

How to find love that is Free, Faithful, Total, and Fruitful.
John Paul II's Theology of the Body (mp3)
True Love. . . How Will I Know? Study Guide
True Love. . . How Will I Know? (Podcast)
Price: $1.00
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Price: $0.35

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A Catholic wife and mother describes the wonderful outcomes when she switched from "picking and choosing" among the Church's teachings to wholehearted acceptance. She also gives practical pointers for helping other people in her situation.

In NFP Theology and Morals two catholic priests detail the sin of contraception and God's plan for sexuality.

Practically speaking, widespread use of contraception has led directly to massive increases of divorce and abortion. Personal union and yearning for fertility are written physically into the structure of sexual relations, and shutting down one of these aspects hurts the whole relationship.There are practical, workable steps we can take to regain the overflowing life that God desires for us.
Reaching the Cafeteria Catholic (podcast)
NFP Theology and Morals (podcast)
Why Contraception Matters Podcast
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“La pareja perfecta”  es una adaptación de la historia de la pareja Alexander narrada en el folleto llamado “We Had Everything...  but Happiness “. Esta pareja tenía salud, un salario de seis cifras, una hermosa casa, dos hijos maravillosos, y una vasectomía. En pocas palabras se sentían miserables.  En formato de radio novela usted descubrirá como esta  pareja con la gracia de Dios encuentra la sanidad, la plenitud y la verdadera felicidad.

ENCONTRANDO UN TESORO es la historia de una pareja joven de inmigrantes que por desconocimiento de las enseñanzas de la iglesia con respecto a la planificación familiar usan múltiples métodos artificiales anticonceptivos. Después de mucho sufrimiento, siguen el consejo de su párroco y verdaderamente encuentran un tesoro.

En términos prácticos, el uso generalizado de la anticoncepción ha llevado directamente a un aumento masivo del divorcio y el aborto. La unión personal y el anhelo de la fertilidad se escriben físicamente en la estructura de las relaciones sexuales, y cancelar uno de estos aspectos daña toda la relación de pareja.

Hay pasos prácticos y que se pueden trabajar para recuperar la vida desbordante que Dios desea para nosotros. La charla de Stephen Patton "Porque Importa la Anticoncepción" esta disponible aqui para que la escuchen gratis! <a href="">Leela!</a>
La Pareja Perfecta
Encontrando Un Tesoro
Porque importa la Anticoncepcion (mp3)
Price: $1.00
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Price: $1.00
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Price: $1.00
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MI NUEVO DOCTOR es una historia de una familia que de una u otra forma experimenta los efectos adversos de la píldora anticonceptiva. Afortunadamente “la tía” conoce un nuevo doctor que le aclara muchas dudas y le enseña un método natural.

La historia de una pareja que busca ayuda para lograr su anhelo de ser padres.

Young people today need a program that helps them understand the significance of their sexuality and their future. Specifically designed for 6th through 8th grade, this program uses a great mix of stories, real-life examples, activites, prayers, and reference to the culture that are relevant to lives of middle school students.
Mi Nuevo Doctor
Theology of the Body for Teens Middle School Edition Bundle
Price: $1.00
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Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

Price: $114.95

of the Body for Teens: Discovering God's Plan For Love & Life is the program you've been waiting for Every day your students are thinking about their sexuality as they are searching for meaning in their lives. Young people today need a program that helps them understand the significance of their sexuality and the purpose of their lives.

A great presentation of the basics of John Paul II's Theology of the Body.

A detailed and helpful study aids for the four talks: Theology of the Body: Discovering the Master Plan for Your Life. Contains an extended summary and discussion questions for each talk. On 4 DVD's, includes Student Workbook and Leader's Guide.
Theology of the Body for Teens High School Edition Bundle
An Introduction to the Theology of the Body, Discovering the Master Plan for Your Life
An Introduction to the Theology of the Body Bundle
Price: $134.95

Price: $132.85
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Price: $99.00

For those who understand the basics of the Theology of the Body and want to go further, Christopher shows how to take these teachings into our hearts and to let the interior transformation reshape our lives.
Into the Heart: A Journey Through the Theology of the Body
Price: $199.95