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Marriage Preparation Tools

wed-5.gif · 1) Give couples an outstanding "marriage prep packet".
· 2) Set out a table with additional resources.
· 3) Build a powerful Marriage Preparation Curriculum.
· 4) Create a library for couples, presenters, and mentors.
· 5) Provide resources for Hispanic couples as needed.

There is now an online marriage preparation service that works with local Marriage support personal and allows couples in unusual situations (such as one partner being overseas for the time being) to complete a full featured marriage preparation program.

Why Marriage Preparation Matters

The goal of Marriage Preparation is to bring about superb marriages, the kind of marriages where people say, "Aren’t they a wonderful couple!" and mean it. The realities of our culture make this extremely challenging. Nearly all of the couples who come to the Church for marriage are already sexually active with one another; nearly all of them are using contraceptives* to avoid pregnancy before marriage, and half to three quarters of them are already living together. By their lifestyle choices, they have already convinced themselves that the Church has nothing to tell them about male-female relationships or fertility management, and certainly nothing worthwhile to say about sexuality.

So why do they come? Plainly they are looking for something more than they can get from cohabitation. They know from observation of other couples (and possibly their own bitter experience) just how fragile sexual relationships outside of marriage can be. They want something better for themselves and hope that a gorgeous public ceremony or maybe some mysterious "blessing" from the Church can give them that extra something.

So what can the Church do for them? Well, Jesus gave us the best teaching on marriage and relationships ever delivered, and John Paul II has taken that teaching and packaged it so well that we now know more about what makes a marriage work (and what doesn’t) than ever before, and this knowledge is mostly available only through the Catholic Church.

Marriage is a fine-tuned, extremely powerful biological/psychological/spiritual package. Marriage moves couples to create the very best setting for bringing up resourceful, contributing members of society.
That setting is the human family with two highly involved parents. The family, however, revolves around the wholehearted sexual donation of each spouse to the other. Anything that attacks that relationship is highly destructive to marriage and the family. Pornography, for example, involves the husband with imaginary sexual images instead of his wife. Both partners are clearly aware of this disconnection, and sexual activity becomes divisive instead of unitive, with typically disastrous consequences. Birth control is even worse. Contracepted sex is the individual pursuit of physical/emotional gratification instead of a mutual pursuit of greater love and family involvement. This self-centered sex, unlike family-oriented sex, has devastating effects, for example, the huge increase in divorce that has come about as our culture has become saturated with birth control.

Marriage preparation programs can now clearly teach what factors, such as birth control, attack the marriage bond and what factors, such as accepting children, support and enhance it. We owe a great debt to John Paul II, because now we can tell couples not only what to do (and avoid) for a life-long, excellent relationship, but we can also tell them why these practices make such a remarkable difference. Effective marriage preparation, however, calls for a thorough re-education of the trainers as well as the trainees, since all of us are immersed in a culture where sexual values are highly distorted.

This is absolutely worth the effort. Healthy marriages lead to loving families. Loving families lead to functional, productive communities—a culture of life, a Civilization of Love. Anything we can do to foster this society will have an enormous payoff!

Four steps to take:

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Sea testigo de la profunda conexión entre el misterio de Marí­a, la madre de Dios y la oposición de la Iglesia a la anticoncepción. La presencia corporal de Marí­a en el cielo nos habla a todos nosotros de la santidad de nuestros cuerpos, una santidad que tiene obligaciones.

The nature, meaning, and mysteries of sexuality.

The One More Soul Booklet Packet contains one each of the booklets published by One More Soul covering topics such as contraception, breast cancer, teen abstinence, and Natural Family Planning
Nuestra Senora, los Catolicos y la Anticoncepción
On The Meaning Of Sex
One More Soul Booklets Packet
Price: $0.35

Price: $21.00

Price: $15.00

<font size="3">Ordinary Time tells the stories of ordinary people making their way in our fast and fabulous world. Twelve thought provoking songs encourage us to laugh at our attempts to have it all and remind us of the everyday drama and nobility of ordinary lives lived faithfully.<br /><br />

This book is written for those who have heard the shattering words "Something is wrong with your unborn baby." This reflective resource is intended to embrace parents at this difficult time with encouragement and insight.

Las características esenciales y las virtudes de los padres fuertes —y la manera de desarrollarlas.
Ordinary Time
Our Unborn Baby Has a Problem
Padres fuertes, hijas felices: 10 Secretos que todo padre debería conocer
Price: $5.00

Price: $5.50

Price: $22.95

Recursos básicos para ayudar a la comunidad hispana evitan el daño de la anticoncepción y se apropian las bendiciónes de la vida casada totalmente abierta a la vida y al amor.

Todos nuestros señaladores y folletos para los jóvenes en español, junto con un CD, y un librito.

The Kansas Catholic Conference provides clear, practical help for couples caught up in the potentially disastrous lifestyle of cohabitation.
Paquete en español
Paquete para Jovenes
Pastoral Letter on Cohabitation Before Marriage
Price: $8.95

Price: $4.50

Price: $2.00

Perceiving the Contraception Connection a Catholic priest encourages people to reject contraception and to practice natural family planning.

La historia de lo que la Iglesia Católica enseña sobre la PFN, ofrece recursos que los cónyuges pueden usar para obtener más información y demuestra por qué el enfoque natural del goce del don de la sexualidad respeta la vida.

En términos prácticos, el uso generalizado de los anticonceptivos ha llevado directamente a un aumento masivo del divorcio y el aborto. La unión intima y el anhelo de fertilidad se escriben físicamente en la estructura de las relaciones sexuales, y al eliminar uno de estos aspectos se afecta la relación matrimonial.
Perceiving the Contraception Connection
Planificacion Familiar Natural Un enfoque catolico
Porque importa la Anticoncepcion
Price: $0.35

Price: $4.99

Price: $2.00

En términos prácticos, el uso generalizado de la anticoncepción ha llevado directamente a un aumento masivo del divorcio y el aborto. La unión personal y el anhelo de la fertilidad se escriben físicamente en la estructura de las relaciones sexuales, y cancelar uno de estos aspectos daña toda la relación de pareja.

Hay pasos prácticos y que se pueden trabajar para recuperar la vida desbordante que Dios desea para nosotros. La charla de Stephen Patton "Porque Importa la Anticoncepción" esta disponible aqui para que la escuchen gratis! <a href="">Leela!</a>

As modern technology strips away the mystery of the womb, parents are often being pressured to make a decision to continue or end a pregnancy based on a type of quality control standard. The purpose of this book is to inspire discussion, reflections and prayer regarding prenatal testing.

Four physicians who do not prescribe hormonal birth control give medical reasons for this decision.
Porque importa la Anticoncepcion (mp3)
Prenatal Testing
Problems Associated with Hormonal Birth Control
Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

Price: $5.50

Price: $0.35

In these talks Christopher West demonstrates how all the “tough issues” of Catholic teaching on marriage and sexuality can be proclaimed in a way that not only makes sense, but demonstrates the beauty of God’s plan for sexuality and the joy of living it. A must-have presentation for every priest looking to explain and defend the Church’s teaching on marriage and sexuality in a compelling way.

In compelling, understandable language, the author describes the many ways that Natural Family Planning supports and enhances marriage. For couples who are reluctant to try NFP, he also answers many objections raised by people who are attracted to using contraception.

Christian purity? More than likely, it is not what you think. Purity is not Puritanism. Nor is it prudishness. Christian purity is the ability to see the mystery of God revealed through the body and sexuality.
Proclaiming The Theology of the Body (4 CDs)
Pure Intimacy
Purity in an Impure Age
Price: $29.95

Price: $4.00

Price: $14.95
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