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· Our Lady of America

Educational resources fostering God's plan for love, marriage, and procreation. Teaching the world about the blessings of children, the value of chastity, and the harms of contraception.

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All the motivation and practical tips parents need to do a great job teaching their teenagers about love and sexuality.


“La pareja perfecta”  es una adaptación de la historia de la pareja Alexander narrada en el folleto llamado “We Had Everything...  but Happiness “. Esta pareja tenía salud, un salario de seis cifras, una hermosa casa, dos hijos maravillosos, y una vasectomía. En pocas palabras se sentían miserables.  En formato de radio novela usted descubrirá como esta  pareja con la gracia de Dios encuentra la sanidad, la plenitud y la verdadera felicidad.
Parents Get Real....Talk to your Teen about love (Podcast)
New Perspectives on Contraception [PDF]
La Pareja Perfecta
[this product is electronically distributed]

Price: $2.49
[this product is electronically distributed]

Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

ENCONTRANDO UN TESORO es la historia de una pareja joven de inmigrantes que por desconocimiento de las enseñanzas de la iglesia con respecto a la planificación familiar usan múltiples métodos artificiales anticonceptivos. Después de mucho sufrimiento, siguen el consejo de su párroco y verdaderamente encuentran un tesoro.

En términos prácticos, el uso generalizado de la anticoncepción ha llevado directamente a un aumento masivo del divorcio y el aborto. La unión personal y el anhelo de la fertilidad se escriben físicamente en la estructura de las relaciones sexuales, y cancelar uno de estos aspectos daña toda la relación de pareja.

Hay pasos prácticos y que se pueden trabajar para recuperar la vida desbordante que Dios desea para nosotros. La charla de Stephen Patton "Porque Importa la Anticoncepción" esta disponible aqui para que la escuchen gratis! <a href="">Leela!</a>

MI NUEVO DOCTOR es una historia de una familia que de una u otra forma experimenta los efectos adversos de la píldora anticonceptiva. Afortunadamente “la tía” conoce un nuevo doctor que le aclara muchas dudas y le enseña un método natural.
Encontrando Un Tesoro
Porque importa la Anticoncepcion (mp3)
Mi Nuevo Doctor
Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

La historia de una pareja que busca ayuda para lograr su anhelo de ser padres.

 Join the princess as she discovers the value of her first kiss and experiences God's provision in a way she never dreamed!

"Hear the Story unfold as Science finds: Blood & Flesh, Human DNA, Heart Muscle and White Blood Cells, all in a Bleeding Consecrated Host as the Truth of the Eucharist is revealed by Science! Yet science cannot produce a detailed DNA profile from not only the Host but also from a bleeding statue of Christ. These intriguing and very extraordinary scientific findings are presented in detail in this DVD by compelling and thought provoking witnesses to their faith".
The Princess and The Kiss
Science Tests Faith DVD
Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

Price: $12.99

Price: $20.00

Pope Benedict XVI  helps us focus anew on what life is all about, by showing us how divine love works in our world. This is a key we all can use for unlocking the problems of our time.

One More Souls Natural Family Planning Packet is a great "primer" on the harm caused by contraception and the great alternatives that are available through Natural Family Planning.

Charts for use with the Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning
God is Love
Natural Family Planning Packet
Love and Fertility Chart large
Price: $3.95

Price: $9.95

Price: $4.95
 Product options:

Physician's Packet contains resources collected to help physicians make a radical choice for life and against contraception.

Charts for use with the Ovulation Method of Natural Plannning

An illustrated how-to manual of the Ovulation Method of fertility awareness, complete with charts and other helpful materials. The female fertility cycle is compared to the plant growth cycle, and simple, direct instructions are given for achieving or postponing pregnancy.
Physician's Packet
Love and Fertility Chart small
Love and Fertility - book & chart
Price: $10.95

Price: $2.95
 Product options:

Price: $20.00

How light during sleeping hours can affect a woman's fertility and influence miscarriage. the information helps women's NFP patterns in all types of cycles, and in all reproductive circumstances.

A bookmark that affirms that a man's real strength can be found in his character.

Notes that woman’s true greatness lies in her ability to bring new life into the world
Effects of Light on the Menstrual Cycle and Fertility
You May Think.. (for boys)
Woman: God's Masterpiece (2 CD set)
Price: $5.00

Price: $0.35

Price: $14.95

Pages:    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10     Range: