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1) Give couples an outstanding "marriage prep packet".


There is so much to learn! Each couple needs the best self-study resources we can provide. Years ago, a couple could rely on instinct, or support from the culture, or trial and error to get by. Our culture short-circuits most of this learning, so extra help is needed. Fortunately a wealth of resources is available. Many are very inexpensive and can simply be given to each couple, or their cost can be covered by a reasonable tuition charge. Some are more pricey, but are so valuable that they need to be mentioned.

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A 'marriage card' that slips easily into wallets and reminds teenagers of their commitment to save sex until their wedding day

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CPHD for web no bg149870457959546ac35b478.png
"No Toads" Chastity Card
"Prove It, God" ...And He Did
1 Free copy "Prove It, God" ...And He Did ( with any purchase or donation)
Price: $0.50

Price: $2.00

Price: $0.00

The testimony of a man who reluctantly agreed to stop using contraception and try Natural Family Planning in his marriage. What followed, in his heart, his marriage, and his family, was nothing short of a miracle.

Practically speaking, widespread use of contraception has led directly to massive increases of divorce and abortion. Personal union and yearning for fertility are written physically into the structure of sexual relations, and shutting down one of these aspects hurts the whole relationship.There are practical, workable steps we can take to regain the overflowing life that God desires for us.

Let's be honest, Movies & TV aren't the best place to get ideas about how dating should start and progress.
1 Free copy of It Brought Me Back to God (with any purchase or donation)
1 Free copy Why Contraception Matters (with any purchase or donation)
101 Ways to Build Up Real Love & Show Affection
CODE: P101
Price: $0.00

Price: $0.00

Price: $0.35

Como las mujeres jóvenes pueden afirmar y defender su valor como personas

Often lighthearted, always thought provoking lyrics describe the details of our modern lives and enkindle hope in new beginnings. Outstanding Nashville musicians cradle Marie's voice in a light mixture of bluegrass, jazz and folk as she reminds us of our capacity to love. A New Springtime is dedicated to John Paul II and the new springtime he foretold.

Christopher West digs deep into Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body and into the connection between marriage and the Eucharist.
20 maneras como las mujeres jóvenes pueden reclamar el respeto que merecen
CODE: P20Wsp
A New Springtime
And the Two Become One
Price: $0.35

Price: $5.00

Price: $9.95

Information from the book Breast Cancer, Its Link to Abortion and the Birth Control Pill, in a short and highly persuasive format.

Find out how chastity is about so much more than saying no to sex but about saying yes to real authentic love and much more!

Bookmark promoting chastity: "Cinderella didn't have to take off her dress to win her prince."
Breast Cancer Risk from Abortion
Chastity: What Are You Saying Yes To?
Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Price: $0.35

Short leaflet (less than 300 words), very clear, totally common sense, supported by the latest research. Message: Condoms do not effectively protect against anything!

A graph and table of historical events showing the how the rise of divorce mirrors the rise in the use of contraception.

A bookmark that affirms the eternal value of each child.
Condom Sense
Divorce graph and table
Each child is sent into this world…
Price: $0.50

Price: $0.10

Price: $0.35

Los obispos de los E.E.U.U. explican cómo es el plan de Dios para el amor matrimonial, " es más rico y más satisfactorio" que el enfoque general tomado por nuestra cultura.

What tubal ligation is; the physical, mental and moral consequences that a woman should consider before making the serious decision to become sterile; and what alternatives exist

El amor matrimonial
Female Sterilization
First Comes Love
Price: $2.00

Price: $0.35

Price: $2.00

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